What your living space says about you - Business Trip And Home Tips
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What your living space says about you

What your living space says about you

where do you live

We are not always free to choose the location and type of our home. The financial situation has a major impact on our options, and family circumstances or the connection to the place of work can also cause limitations. Therefore, in the following lines, we consider the choice of place of residence detached from these restrictions, knowing full well that the choice of place of residence can be influenced by significantly more factors. Which style of living you prefer can say a lot about your personality. But it starts even earlier: namely with the choice of living environment. Anyone who chooses a loft apartment in the best inner-city location has a different focus based on their personality than those who prefer a small house on the outskirts out of conviction. Those who claim a place to live near the water are more likely to look for peace and seclusion than people who choose a shared apartment in the trendy neighborhood for themselves, for example. Even “in the country” there are differences, so some are more drawn to the suburbs of a big city, while others prefer rural life in seclusion. If you were financially independent and untied in terms of your job, your choice of place to live would say something about your character.

How do you live?

Contrary to the question “where”, one has a much greater influence on the “how” when designing the apartment. This means design elements that can individualize your own living space. This includes:

  • the colors of the walls, floors, furniture and accessories.
  • the materials in the living room.
  • the room division.
  • the furniture arrangement.
  • the lighting.
  • a clearly implemented living style

The choice of color reveals a lot about personality, because each color has a specific effect. With certain color tones in the apartment, you make a statement and send out certain signals. On the other hand, one influences one’s own mood consciously or unconsciously, whereby there are mutual influences between the first and second function. Yellow and orange radiate happiness. They brighten the mood and stand for joie de vivre. Red activates and represents passion or temperament. Green and blue, on the other hand, stand for rest and are more likely to be chosen by people who value relaxation. Anyone who has predominantly brown tones and wood in their home is considered grounded and longs for security. Cultural differences are worth noting with regard to color meaning.

What do you like to surround yourself with?

Whether it’s furniture, accessories, furnishings or everyday objects: what you like to surround yourself with depends on your personality.

  • Many decorations and personal items such as photos or souvenirs stand for extroverted personalities who love to socialize.
  • Soberly furnished, unstimulating rooms indicate introverted personalities.
  • Extreme minimalism is often pursued by people whose center of life is elsewhere (e.g. workaholics).
  • Many heirlooms and souvenirs can be found in the homes of nostalgics and those who love tradition.
  • Exclusive furniture and furnishing styles can refer to eccentricity.

A mirror of the psyche

Your own living space as the center of everyday life has a very special position. Some apartments let you look deeper than their residents actually intend. Namely directly into the psyche. This is the case, for example, with extremely chaotic living spaces. Where no structure can be identified in the home, there is often a lack of structure in life. Completely blocked and unkempt rooms can indicate that the life of the resident could do with clearing out. Those who can part with little and keep everything within their own four walls often live in the past. In addition, delivered rooms can represent lost opportunities. Furnishing projects that appear unfinished often indicate unresolved conflicts or unresolved difficulties. However, all this does not necessarily mean that a perfectly tidy apartment stands for an equally orderly psyche. In some cases, people also compensate for their inner chaos by constantly cleaning the house.

Has anything changed?

Interestingly, according to housing psychologists, many people react to drastic changes in life by changing their living space. The next time you visit someone’s house and find a completely new furniture arrangement, it could be because the homeowner changed jobs or recently had a breakup. On the other hand, some people also rearrange everything when they long for changes in their lives.

So your own 4 walls can say a lot about your residents. Even if in reality the choice of where to live is influenced by numerous factors, the interior design of one’s own rooms is a kind of mirror of one’s personality. Thanks to the many individual furnishing options, we can represent our innermost being and create a place that suits us and makes us just as happy.

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