Reduce stress and find more time for yourself - Business Trip And Home Tips

Reduce stress and find more time for yourself

Reduce stress and find more time for yourself

Stopping, distancing and relativizing

When you are under stress, it is usually very difficult for you to change the situation in your favor. The only chance is to become aware of it. How do you do that?

When the hustle and bustle gets the better of you, shout out loud: “Stop!” Take a mental step back and ask yourself: “How would I rate this problem in six months?”

In other words, is it even worth the fuss? Does it actually make sense to wind up on it? Isn’t there anything more important? Does the stress bring me closer to solving my problem? By answering these questions, you can manage to reduce stress and hectic, to remain confident and to do the right thing in this moment with the necessary composure.

Change perspective

Many people really get their teeth into a problem that, on closer inspection, is not that difficult. Why? Because they see it from a certain perspective and never think that a different approach could solve it much more efficiently and elegantly.

Therefore, change the frame through which you see an issue more often. The glass can always be half full or half empty. So how about reinterpreting a negative situation as an opportunity for improvement? Because no situation has only negative or only positive sides.

Rethink long-term

If you know that you panic easily, over the next few days pay attention to when negative feelings arise and how they are expressed. Perhaps as fear or unrest, as anger or anger? Make a quick note in the appropriate situation.

Can you see the underlying theme? Are you angry that something isn’t going fast enough? What if it went faster? Would you actually be happier then, or would that only fuel your inner rush even more? Wouldn’t it be more helpful and better for your well-being to lower the demands on yourself?

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