Renovate bathrooms - with little money - Business Trip And Home Tips
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Renovate bathrooms – with little money

Renovate bathrooms – with little money

1. Planning is for preparation

Only with the right planning can the costs be kept within reasonable bounds. First of all, it is necessary to determine which elements are broken and need to be replaced. Is something specific missing in the bathroom that hasn’t been there yet? The condition of the furniture also needs to be reassessed. The first costs can already be estimated and limited here. If the planning becomes too expensive, things should be crossed off the list.

2. Contribute your own contribution

Another adjustment screw in the cost plan is the manual work. Whether tiler, plumber or painter – every trade has its price. Do-it-yourselfers should participate in the renovation and do small jobs themselves. The preparatory work is particularly important when old silicone joints have to be removed or sinks have to be dismantled. All other services performed by the craftsmen are at least tax deductible. This applies to the costs for wages, travel and material. A total of 20 percent must be offset in your own tax return.

3. Clear lines for a modern bathroom

With the furnishings, even older bathrooms become a modern place of rest and relaxation. Clear lines and the minimalist style are popular. That means: less is more. The room does not need a lot of furniture and should be reduced to its function and the bare essentials. Perhaps the cupboard can be saved in one place. In addition, sinks, toilets or bathtubs do not always have to be replaced. Ceramic is an easy-care surface that shines again with water and detergent. Timeless bathroom furniture, uniform colors and clear lines survive every trend and will not require expensive renovation work in a few years.

4. Set stylish effects

A bathroom becomes particularly homely with light effects, fittings and special extras. Modern LEDs are no longer expensive to buy and save electricity in the long run. Indirect light creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. This works via hidden light strips or a light construction behind the mirror. There are also water-saving fittings and shower heads. Not only do they look stylish, they also have a lasting effect.

Decorative items and extras give the renovation a special touch. Not much effort or money is needed here to create more order and get a clean look across the room. This also includes hooks on the wall or towel rails at the right height. The openly visible textiles make the bathroom more homely and prevent unnecessary noise. The designer towel rails from frabox follow the modern style, are permanently installed and are also suitable for small bathrooms. The company stands for quality from Germany and, in addition to the beautiful design, pays attention to durable workmanship. Towel holders are required, especially next to the washbasin, the bathtub and the shower. The choice of model always depends on the size of the bathroom and where the bracket is to be mounted.

5. Good quality saves in the long run

With all new products, not only the price should be in the foreground. The quality determines the longevity and saves permanently. For example, the faucet lasts 5 or 10 years and does not leak. The washbasin does not crack and the furniture remains easy to care for despite the damp room. The same applies to the brackets and small elements. While stainless steel is more expensive than plastic, it suits the bathroom and lasts much longer. If you buy cheap, you haven’t really saved.

Tip: Designer pieces often have a high price. However, the high-quality manufacturers and brands also offer simple products that do not demand that much from the wallet.

6. Paint tiles and redo joints

Tiles are often still okay in terms of quality and durability. The old-fashioned design is often annoying and collides with modern ideas. However, the backsplash does not need to be replaced to create a different look. Tile paint or tile varnish will help. The agent can be easily applied to large areas with a roller, and the joints can be traced with a brush. The base coat dries for about 12 hours, depending on the agent. This is followed by a final coating. This is initially very sensitive and must harden properly. The tiles are only ready for use again after about 5 days. At the same time, a new silicone joint can be drawn. Old silicone quickly discolours or looks unclean. Even older bathtubs and showers appear in new splendor with a fresh silicone joint. With a little manual skill, this work can be done without much effort and creates an immediately visible effect.

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