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Water damage discovered: these are the next steps

Water damage discovered: these are the next steps

It is all the more important to know what to do when water damage occurs. Because the faster you react, the better you can handle the situation. Unfortunately, it happens again and again that those affected forget important steps in the rush. This can later cost money and nerves.

1. Immediate measures for water damage

If the damage is discovered, the first thing to do is damage limitation. If there is water damage due to a burst pipe or water from an adjacent apartment, the main line must be turned off. Neighbors must be contacted, as must the landlord.

When it comes to water damage caused by forces of nature – such as rain coming through the roof or flooding – things are a little more complicated. For nature has no master tap. In such situations, life and limb must be protected immediately. Children and people with disabilities should be removed from the home and the fire brigade called.

Whether in a rented apartment or in a house: It may be necessary to switch off the electricity as well. If the water damage occurs near power lines, there is a risk of shocks and short circuits. Safety always comes first in such situations.

2. Act quickly

Water damage emergencies are rare. The vast majority of water damage is one thing above all: annoying. Because they do not destroy the whole house and do not necessarily make the apartment uninhabitable, but they do cause damp air, mold growth and limited usability of the premises. In such cases, the preservation of evidence is important. Insurance companies and landlords should be involved in the whole process. Videos and photos can be valuable later when it comes to questions of guilt or costs.

Drying should then begin as soon as possible. With the drying technology from Kreß you get fast and reliable support. Because the faster the damage is repaired, the less serious the consequences. Unfortunately, much water damage is difficult to assess with the naked eye, which is why getting help from an expert for such damage is almost always the best solution.

3. Long-term consequences and tasks

Recognizing, limiting and documenting damage – that is important. Unfortunately, that’s almost never the end of the story. Because then it’s about removing the damage and that usually goes beyond a simple drying machine. But who pays for that?

This is always a point of contention between landlords and tenants, but also between homeowners and insurance companies. That is why the documentation mentioned is so important. Because if you wait for the landlord or the insurance company to take care of you, you often lose valuable time. So most people trade themselves and therefore have costs.

Even if landlords and insurance companies don’t get in the way, there are still a few things to consider. One should not assume that all damage is visible. If the water ran down the walls, they must be dried and repainted. But what about the floor underneath? Did the water run between the floorboards or even where cables run? Did furniture get damaged?

Restoring the old living situation takes a lot of time. Whenever possible, many people take a few days off. If you cannot do this, enlist the help of friends or family members. Postponing important steps to repair the damage should be avoided at all costs.

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