
Show Christmas stress the red card

Show Christmas stress the red card

Use the following tips to easily get rid of the Christmas stress.

Tip #1: Don’t take on too much

That is the main reason for any time pressure. Because you want to create more than you can actually achieve. Instead, think about what you can cross out of the things you feel you need to do before the festival. Put your focus on the things that are important to you.

For example, if all the shopping annoys you, why not let a delivery service do the job? Not only do you save yourself frustration and lugging around, but you can devote yourself to the activities that you enjoy. Just ask your local supermarket if they offer a delivery service. And even if it’s a bit more expensive – the time saved is guaranteed to make up for it.

You automatically have more peace for yourself and can be there more for your partner or the children. If that’s not an option…

Christmas Stress Tip No. 2: Avoid bargain hunting

In this way you can go into the pre-Christmas period much more relaxed and calm. For example, save yourself the time for tedious price comparisons or forgo visiting the store that is further away, just to shop a little cheaper than usual. It is often overlooked that the additional expenditure of time and money for the journey there quickly eats up the price advantage.

What speaks against allowing yourself a little more rest and shopping in the supermarket around the corner instead? A waiver of such nerve-wracking campaigns will bring you a few plus points, at least in the run-up to Christmas. And it is your very personal contribution to coming to your senses and enjoying the celebration with your loved ones.

Tip #3: The early bird catches the worm

The same applies to Christmas: Everything you do on time can no longer cause stress and time pressure. Therefore, take care of the presents early on. This also applies to orders on the Internet. While there are specific deadlines by which you are guaranteed to get what you order, you may be familiar with Murphy’s Law, which says that anything that can go wrong, eventually will go wrong. And you shouldn’t let that happen.

Instead, rejoice in whatever you’ve accomplished that no longer gives you a headache. You can also use a list of your loved ones’ gift wishes that you compile over the course of the year. This prevents unwelcome bad purchases and disappointed eyes when unwrapping the gifts.

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