5 tips for stress-free everyday life
Even if there are many methods that promote stress reduction, such as yoga, tai chi or autogenic training, many people do not have the time to incorporate them into everyday life. The easiest thing to do to relieve stress is to change your mindset in the following ways.
1. Take breaks
Breaks are essential to recharge your batteries and get your concentration back on track. You’ll get a lot more done after a short break than you would if you worked through it all the time.
Uschi Moriabadi from the German University for Prevention and Health Management recommends taking two active mini breaks a day. For this you should go into nature, or just open a window, stand up straight, close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head and lower them back down as you slowly exhale. Repeat this exercise three times and then shake your entire body. You’ll notice how much more rested you feel afterwards.
2. Take control
Losing control means a lot of stress. Nothing is more stressful than the feeling of not being in control of your own life. Start acting independently instead of being determined by others. To do this, it is important that you know where your skills lie so that you can apply them realistically. Those who go through the day too perfectionist usually do not try to satisfy themselves, but other people. It’s stressful, and not too much.
3. Hobbies
Activities such as television or computer games do not relax, but entertain. Many people are more stressed because instead of dedicating their free time to relaxation, they spend precious hours in front of a screen. But if you look for a different hobby, whether it is of a sporting or creative nature, it promotes concentration and makes you happier. Therefore, hobbies are the perfect ones Stress Relief Method.
4. Scheduling
Do you divide your time productively? Most likely not, because those who have a talent for accurate scheduling rarely suffer from stress. Learn how long your tasks take on average so that you can realistically plan how much time you need and also plan breaks and free time. You can test how effective your time planning is at the moment here.
5. Qualify
If you don’t feel up to a task, don’t just refuse the task or agonize over it unnecessarily. Look for further training and learning opportunities that can help you in your everyday work. Qualifications support positive self-esteem and the courses are a welcome distraction from the daily grind. In addition, by compensating for qualification deficits, you may also have the opportunity to move up the career ladder.