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Arm yourself against these time killers

Arm yourself against these time killers

Time killer little things and odds and ends

The problem with both of them: they are inconspicuous and are not classified as dangerous because they are quick to do and the results are quick: the e-mail is skimmed over briefly in order to then process it “properly” later, the small detour to get the Doing a colleague a favor is easy to do. The fact that maybe half an hour wasted is not noticed.

If you want to show such time killers the red card and really work effectively, then take care of your important tasks first. Because the so-called little things easily add up to hours in the course of the day. These time killers are so dangerous because it is difficult for you to assess how much time it is really costing you. Therefore, make sure that you delegate or outsource such activities.

Crisis management and firefighting operations

If you rush through the day hectically, from fire brigade deployment to fire brigade deployment and fighting trouble spots, you will not get what you really want. You’re wasting your time by not being effective.

You lack the concentration to focus on the essentials. Supposedly urgent matters rob you of your precious time that you lack elsewhere. What’s more, because you jump so quickly from problem to problem and everything has to be done quickly, you make mistakes that you have to iron out later.

Not being able to say no as a special time killer

This is one of the biggest time wasters in everyday work. Those with helper syndrome believe they are needed and irreplaceable, which is not the case. He is all too willing to take care of the concerns of others and is no longer able to attend to his own responsibilities. This leads to massive stress.

Therefore, have the courage to refuse a request. If you don’t do this, your own priorities will fall behind and you will no longer get to the things that are important to you. This means you lose valuable time. Saying no at the right moment offers you three major advantages:

  • You gain time for yourself and manage your workload better
  • You boost your self-confidence because you prevent others from taking advantage of you
  • You increase your scope of action and have more time for the unforeseen


Show Christmas stress the red card

Show Christmas stress the red card

Use the following tips to easily get rid of the Christmas stress.

Tip #1: Don’t take on too much

That is the main reason for any time pressure. Because you want to create more than you can actually achieve. Instead, think about what you can cross out of the things you feel you need to do before the festival. Put your focus on the things that are important to you.

For example, if all the shopping annoys you, why not let a delivery service do the job? Not only do you save yourself frustration and lugging around, but you can devote yourself to the activities that you enjoy. Just ask your local supermarket if they offer a delivery service. And even if it’s a bit more expensive – the time saved is guaranteed to make up for it.

You automatically have more peace for yourself and can be there more for your partner or the children. If that’s not an option…

Christmas Stress Tip No. 2: Avoid bargain hunting

In this way you can go into the pre-Christmas period much more relaxed and calm. For example, save yourself the time for tedious price comparisons or forgo visiting the store that is further away, just to shop a little cheaper than usual. It is often overlooked that the additional expenditure of time and money for the journey there quickly eats up the price advantage.

What speaks against allowing yourself a little more rest and shopping in the supermarket around the corner instead? A waiver of such nerve-wracking campaigns will bring you a few plus points, at least in the run-up to Christmas. And it is your very personal contribution to coming to your senses and enjoying the celebration with your loved ones.

Tip #3: The early bird catches the worm

The same applies to Christmas: Everything you do on time can no longer cause stress and time pressure. Therefore, take care of the presents early on. This also applies to orders on the Internet. While there are specific deadlines by which you are guaranteed to get what you order, you may be familiar with Murphy’s Law, which says that anything that can go wrong, eventually will go wrong. And you shouldn’t let that happen.

Instead, rejoice in whatever you’ve accomplished that no longer gives you a headache. You can also use a list of your loved ones’ gift wishes that you compile over the course of the year. This prevents unwelcome bad purchases and disappointed eyes when unwrapping the gifts.


Stress-free Christmas party

Tips for a stress-free Christmas party

Christmas party from the employee’s point of view

Here are a few figures that can be found on the Internet about Christmas parties: Just 38 percent of employees in Germany look forward to their company Christmas party. 18 percent even find the celebration with colleagues unpleasant and 16 percent don’t even take part in such a Christmas party.

Paying attention to this will give your Christmas party the best chance of success.

Basic tips for a stress-free Christmas party

  • Invite all employees to the Christmas party. This includes interns and temporary employees.
  • Communicate clearly that participation is voluntary. They have a more relaxed vibe when everyone is happy to be there.
  • Maybe choose a relaxed bowling evening instead of a seated meal. Communication is easier in a relaxed atmosphere. Many employees also feel more comfortable there.
  • Consider inviting your employees’ partners to the Christmas party as well.
  • Provide a framework in which there is no “binge drinking”. Too much alcohol always leads to incidents that are regretted the next morning. It doesn’t matter whether you get too close or get into an argument.
  • Make sure the executives in particular all attend the Christmas party.

2 extra tips for a stress-free Christmas party

If you follow the basic tips you already have a good foundation. How do you deal with tricky situations now? What do you do when the radio sparks at the Christmas party? What if you drank too much and even got into a fight?

Here are a few more figures from the vastness of the Internet: 52 percent are primarily looking for erotic adventures at an employer’s Christmas party and are looking for a partner there. 41 percent allowed themselves to flirt uninhibitedly at the Christmas party.

1. Get closer to a colleague or even your boss?

  • Depending on whether you or the other person is in a relationship or how closely you work together, this can be tricky.
  • If it was a “slip” then the matter needs to be resolved. You should address the person and clarify on a factual level how you want to deal with it. The quicker and more honestly the matter is resolved, the better. With regard to colleagues who may be gossiping or gossip, the recommendation is: If you have a good relationship with the person concerned, it is good to speak up, otherwise you should simply ignore the gossip.

2. Drank too much? It is important not to drink too much. It is certainly desirable to get a little closer to colleagues, but not too close. When you work together again the next day, you need a professional distance again.

  • Be careful about offering the “you.” A “you” can no longer be taken back.
  • If you see that a co-worker has had too much to drink and is out of control, perhaps saying things they will later regret, you may want to take action. Gently take it aside or bring up a new topic.
  • It is important to note that if someone gives their boss their opinion while they are under the influence of alcohol, this may be grounds for dismissal. Therefore, protect yourself, drink in moderation and, if necessary, also protect colleagues if you observe that alcohol has a too strong disinhibiting effect. If you can’t change the subject, consider sending someone home in a cab, or at least encouraging them to do so.
  • Make sure that no one drives home drunk at the wheel. The risk is too great, by the way: If alcohol is the reason for the accident, the damage is not covered by the trade association.


Self-management stands and falls with good organization

Self-management stands and falls with good organization

1. Self-management tip: Check the planning

Take a moment in the evening, review the day and make a target/actual comparison between planning and execution: What went well, where did you totally screw up, what can you do better and what do you have to do next present day? Check regularly whether your time estimates are correct, otherwise you have no chance of learning from incorrect estimates. In this way, you refine your planning step by step. It is important to find the right balance between self-discipline and flexibility. Pay attention to two poles: On the one hand, don’t be too strict with yourself, otherwise you’ll throw in the towel at some point in relation to your planning. But don’t be too careless either, otherwise all the effort won’t have the slightest effect.

the fact is: If you don’t take stock, you won’t be able to plan and implement your success. You forgive yourself a lot because you only gain more time if you analyze errors and derive changes from them.

2. Self-management tip: Don’t take planning lightly

In many companies, it is important to have someone who constantly complains about a lack of time and is under (often self-made) time pressure (“he/she always has sooo much to do”). That is why the person resists – often unconsciously – against appropriate planning. Not infrequently for fear of appearing less respected in the eyes of others. Or he can’t deal with suddenly having more free time because he can’t do anything with it. If you recognize yourself in this description, then now is a good time to do something about it. Because the best planning is useless if you keep boycotting yourself. Start planning ahead within reason and you will get more done, have more time for yourself and be more relaxed in life.

3. Self-management tip: Estimate the duration of tasks and projects

If this is difficult for you, write down the time you think you need to do it and the time you actually needed after each task. In this way you gradually get an idea of ​​how long you actually need for certain things. Then build in some buffer time in later planning. But keep in mind: The work always fills the available time. So be honest with yourself, because that’s the best way to get there. Buffer times are always good to have in reserve for unforeseen events, interruptions or just a coffee break. If you implement this type of planning consistently, you will be rewarded with less stress and hectic and more satisfaction.


5 tips for stress-free everyday life

5 tips for stress-free everyday life

Even if there are many methods that promote stress reduction, such as yoga, tai chi or autogenic training, many people do not have the time to incorporate them into everyday life. The easiest thing to do to relieve stress is to change your mindset in the following ways.

1. Take breaks

Breaks are essential to recharge your batteries and get your concentration back on track. You’ll get a lot more done after a short break than you would if you worked through it all the time.

Uschi Moriabadi from the German University for Prevention and Health Management recommends taking two active mini breaks a day. For this you should go into nature, or just open a window, stand up straight, close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head and lower them back down as you slowly exhale. Repeat this exercise three times and then shake your entire body. You’ll notice how much more rested you feel afterwards.

2. Take control

Losing control means a lot of stress. Nothing is more stressful than the feeling of not being in control of your own life. Start acting independently instead of being determined by others. To do this, it is important that you know where your skills lie so that you can apply them realistically. Those who go through the day too perfectionist usually do not try to satisfy themselves, but other people. It’s stressful, and not too much.

3. Hobbies

Activities such as television or computer games do not relax, but entertain. Many people are more stressed because instead of dedicating their free time to relaxation, they spend precious hours in front of a screen. But if you look for a different hobby, whether it is of a sporting or creative nature, it promotes concentration and makes you happier. Therefore, hobbies are the perfect ones Stress Relief Method.

4. Scheduling

Do you divide your time productively? Most likely not, because those who have a talent for accurate scheduling rarely suffer from stress. Learn how long your tasks take on average so that you can realistically plan how much time you need and also plan breaks and free time. You can test how effective your time planning is at the moment here.

5. Qualify

If you don’t feel up to a task, don’t just refuse the task or agonize over it unnecessarily. Look for further training and learning opportunities that can help you in your everyday work. Qualifications support positive self-esteem and the courses are a welcome distraction from the daily grind. In addition, by compensating for qualification deficits, you may also have the opportunity to move up the career ladder.


Tips for dealing with colleagues

Tips for dealing with colleagues


When you join a team, it is often difficult to start a conversation with your colleagues. Your “chick” status can be helpful here. Ask your colleagues for help if you don’t know how to complete a task. Even if this doesn’t start the best conversations, it creates a certain familiarity, with the positive side effect that you don’t have to be called a know-it-all.


Be considerate of your colleagues. Don’t eat extraordinarily strong-smelling dishes at your desk when your colleagues have to work in the same room. Also, watch your cell phone. Various ringtones have the ability to turn your entire professional life upside down, moreover, it is rude and annoying for your colleagues when your cell phone rings at work.


Especially in the induction phase, you can quickly put your foot in it by gossiping about colleagues. If your co-workers start talking badly about another co-worker, it’s best to walk away from the conversation until you actually know all of your co-workers and are aware of the social connections within the company.


The success of a company and of you as an individual depends to a large extent on trust. You must be able to delegate tasks to your colleagues without questioning them. This is an attitude thing. Keep reminding yourself that your colleagues have similar if not the same qualifications as you and that alone gives you something in common.

show understanding

Nobody can ask you to get on well with all your colleagues. However, when dealing with colleagues, the same principle applies as when dealing with any other person. You must be able to show understanding. Don’t judge your colleagues because they are different from you, but try to focus on what you have in common.

labor disputes

Conflicts at work are one of the most common reasons for stress at work. These conflicts can make day-to-day work a living’s hell, but they’re often easiest to resolve when someone takes the first step. You and your colleague are probably in the same situation and it shouldn’t be too difficult for the other to understand you.

private conflicts

Private conflicts have no place in the office and should not be taken there. If you are in contact with a colleague outside of the office and a dispute arises, try to resolve it before the next business day if possible.


3 tips on how to spend your Christmas party more calmly

3 tips on how to spend your Christmas party more calmly

1. Plan ahead

Don’t kid yourself. You know very well that you will need more time and attention for the Christmas holidays again this year. And in addition to your already abundant everyday routines. And yet there will be many contemporaries who ignore sensible planning.

But those are exactly the ones who complain, don’t have enough time, fall into constant stress and become crisis managers. The solution: plan the necessary activities in advance. Get started today. Sooner or later you’ll have to face the facts, so get on with it sooner.

2. Delegate

Or do you think it’s great to have to do everything on your own? Yes, I know the other person might not be doing it quite as perfectly as you, but what is more important to you? To sink into the chaos of time yourself or to see that something is already finished? Divide up shopping, cleaning and cleaning chores. Distribute responsibility.

You don’t have to wear yourself out and spare others out of misunderstood ambition. Above all: It is your time that is running out and your stress level that is increasing disproportionately. In other words, the choice is yours. In addition, children in particular are enthusiastic when it comes to Christmas preparations. Use their zest for action.

3. Get enough sleep

It’s very tempting to trade the extra time you spend shopping, getting ready, gift wrapping, cooking and partying for sleep before and during the holidays. But if you don’t get enough sleep and rest, you’ll get sick and you won’t be able to enjoy what you’re doing.

But not only that, you are also doing your fellow human beings a disservice if you are totally exhausted and exhausted instead of celebrating Christmas peacefully! So make sure you get enough sleep and rest, especially during the busy holidays.